
Erbil Public Library


Erbil is capital of Kurdistan region, with 1.5 million people, which means it needs a public library to There are some libraries, but they are not as effective in attracting or containing people's minds. every sources. So I think a public library that gives what should give is desirable at the level of Erbil and Kurdish people that I found it. United nations Education, Scientific and cultural organization UNESCO defines library as "any organized collection of printed books and periodicals or any other graphic or audio-visual materials with a staff to provide and facilitate the use of such materials as are required to meet the informational research, educational and recreational needs of users." library is one of these old places that exists that works till now and the development technology helps for it instead of neglecting it , it represents a community General culture and country development.

Thesis by:

Mohsen Shakr


Salahaddin University, Erbil

Thesis book code in University's library :


Graduation year:


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