
Revitalization Center For Shanadar Area


Redevelopment Hub for the Shanadar Region This study is crucial to developing fresh perspectives for designing projects that address our culture, heritage, and past history while also connecting to the future in a way that goes beyond simple building design.Its own set of values serves as a window into human culture for the next generation while simultaneously introducing the world to the Kurdistan region's precious part. If you look around, you'll notice that there aren't many structures honoring Kurdish culture, and there aren't many initiatives working to preserve and restore ancient sites.Thus, this study aims to reshape and generate new ideas in order to protect and preserve human history. possess a wealth of priceless natural and archaeological artifacts that date back to the time when we established Kurdish culture this things need to be preserved and revitalized to be shown to future generation , world and make a cultural background to future generation so we must create new way to protect and show archaeological site .

Thesis by:

Lana Shahab


Salahaddin University, Erbil

Thesis book code in University's library :


Graduation year:


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